The most experienced carpet manufacturer in Qom province
Qom carpets first entered the market using not-so-delicate wool. And they were generally done with 40 rant. In the following years, carpet weaving artists in Qom evolved the transformation of carpet weaving to the extent and with special skill and ability, they began to weave all silk carpets with a very high number of reg Exquisite rugs, which were thus marketed with these delicate silk yarns, also became common as silk flowers.
The decisive factor for identifying Qom carpets is the technique of work because it is quite orderly and complete.If we look at new carpets of excellent quality (e.g. carpets in Kashan, Tehran, Kerman, etc.), behind these carpets, especially in thick wefts, warp or knots, we will see some irregularities that are of course ignorable. This irregularity is absolutely absent in qom carpets, and their order is in a way that sometimes makes a person doubt, and this doubt is as far as he thinks lest it be woven by machine.
Its texture is very compact and durable and its warp is twisted from cotton yarn and its weft is thinner. Knots are from the beautiful local wool known as Sabzevar. These nodes are very small (on average 4000 to 7000 knots per square meter) and are Persian weaving.The height of the villes is moderate and only one side of these rugs has roots. The roots are double and twisted. Furthermore, instead of being smooth, these roots appear to have jumped irregularly out of the rug.
Basic structure: Warp and weft are usually very delicate from twisted yarn. In silk rugs are blurry and usually weft from silk.
Knott: Qom carpets are known for their great elegance. They have at least 2,500 knots per square meter and in inferior carpets this number reaches to 10,000 knots per square meter and in silk carpets this number is higher and the type of node is Persian node, rarely weaving pairs can be seen in this area.
Perez: The villuses are firm and slightly rough in qom rugs and are mostly used with very thin twisted wool or very delicate twisted silk. The lint of the rugs is usually short and if it is silk, it is arranged very shortly.
Quality: Qom carpets are very durable and more decorative and are one of the best products of Iranian carpets.

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