The most experienced carpet manufacturer in Qom province
Considering that Qom is a pilgrimage city and after Mashhad is the most important holy city of Iran and on the other hand, Sajjad has a special place in the ways and gifts of Iranian pilgrimage trips, so carpet weaving workshops that are producing Sajjad have developed considerably in this city. According to the above and other common dimensions in Qom, the spectrum of Qom carpets can be divided into the following 4 sections in terms of dimensions:
A) Sajjad rugs that are usually woven in sizes 2.20×50.1 meters.
B) Carpets: The size of Qom carpets is usually 3×2 and 3.5 ×2.5 and 4×3 meters these carpets are used to carpet large rooms and halls.
C) Side: This type of carpet is used to carpet the corridors and staircases. The width of the sides is between 50 and 100 cm and their length is between 2 and 6 meters.
D) The highest amount of carpet production in Qom is rugs. Rugs are widely used in decorating and decoration of rooms and living rooms.

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